May 2022 Student Simulation - Honorable Mention - Highly Commendable Work

95% Confident
95 % Confident Project
95 % Confident Team Photo

Advisor: Prof. Shashaani

Daniel Malerich

Daniel Malerich

Graduation Date:
March 2023
Pursued Degree:
MGraduate Degree in Industrial Engineering
Kelby Mace

Kelby Mace

Graduation Date:
March 2023
Pursued Degree:
MGraduate Degree in Industrial Engineering

May 2022 Contest Winners

First Place

Second Place

Third Place

Fourth Place

Top 4 including Honorable Mentions & Finalists

The top 4 teams out of 302 

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Contest Overview

Contest Overview, Summary of Problem, Judging Criteria and Judges

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