Results are reported in terms of the change in time (in hours), as well as the percent change in ATS and MTS, presented in Table 2. There was no significant difference from the Baseline model to the Moved Check-in Station model. The 99.3% CI on the difference in ATS of the Moved Check-in Station model compared to the Baseline model was (−8 minutes, +2 minutes). Whereas, the 99.3% CI on the difference in MTS was (−18 minutes, +9 minutes) from the Baseline model. Considering that both the ATS and MTS confidence intervals contained zero, no significant difference was indicated. The Looping Voter Path model was not significantly different from the Baseline model. The 99.3% CI on the difference of ATS compared to the Baseline model was (−5 minutes, +5 minutes), with the 99.3% CI on the difference in MTS was (−13 minutes, +13 minutes). Due to both the ATS and MTS CI containing zero, the Looping Voter Path model was not significantly different from the Baseline model. The Separate Provisional Processing model resulted in a reduction in ATS between 28.59% and 43.44% (99.3% CI, 18.83 minute to 28.61 minute reduction), realizing a significant difference when compared with the Baseline model. The model’s MTS was between 7.86% and 27.30% less (99.3% CI, 10.39 minute to 36.12 minute reduction) than the Baseline model’s. These results indicate a significant difference in performance between the Separate Provisional Processing model and the Baseline model.
Table 2: Performance differences relative to the Baseline model.
Model |
Change in ATS
(hrs) |
Percent Change
in ATS |
Change in MTS
(hrs) |
Percent Change
in MTS |
Baseline (a) |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Moved Check-in Station (b) |
-0.051 ± 0.088 |
-4.66 ± 8.04 |
-0.077 ± 0.231 |
-3.50 ± 10.50 |
Looping Voter Path (c) |
-0.003 ± 0.085 |
-0.28 ± 7.73 |
-0.003 ± 0.219 |
-0.14 ± 9.95 |
Separated Provisional Processing (d) |
0.395 ± 0.081* |
36.02 ± 7.42* |
0.388 ± 0.214* |
17.58 ± 9.72* |
Looping Voter Path and Moved Check-in Station (e) |
-0.012 ± 0.089 |
-1.06 ± 8.13 |
-0.026 ± 0.225 |
-1.20 ± 10.20 |
Moved Check-in Station and Separated Provisional Processing (f) |
0.336 ± 0.086* |
30.61 ± 7.85* |
0.360 ± 0.217* |
16.31 ± 9.83* |
Looping Voter Path and Separated Provisional Processing (g) |
0.378 ± 0.081* |
34.41 ± 7.40* |
0.394 ± 0.209* |
17.88 ± 9.48* |
Looping Voter Path, Moved Check-in Station, and Separated Provisional Processing (h) |
0.330 ± 0.085* |
30.05 ± 7.77* |
0.356 ± 0.217* |
16.17 ± 9.84* |
Note: * p < 0.007. Calculated as (Baseline – Option), negative values are an increase in time, positive values are a reduction in time.
Of the four combined models, three demonstrated an estimated significant difference in ATS and MTS compared to the Baseline model. The only combined model that demonstrated no significant difference in ATS and MTS from the Baseline model was the Looping Voter Path and Moved Check-in Station model. The Moved Check-in Station and Separated Provisional Processing model resulted in a percent change in ATS 99.3% CI (+22.76%, +38.47%), meaning a 15.00 minute to 25.33 minute reduction in ATS and an MTS 99.3% CI (+6.48%, +26.14%) also leading to an 8.57 minute to 34.57 minute reduction in MTS when compared to the Baseline model. The 99.3% CI for the ATS of the Looping Voter Path and Separated Provisional Processing model was (+17.79 minutes, +27.54 minutes), indicating a 27.01% to 41.81% reduction compared to the Baseline model’s ATS. The MTS of the Looping Voter Path and Separated Provisional Processing model also demonstrated a significant difference from the MTS of the Baseline model with a reduction of between 11.12 and 36.20 minutes. The final combination model, Looping Voter Path, Moved Check-in Station, and Separated Provisional Processing model, demonstrated reductions in time between 22.28% and 37.82% (i.e., 14.68 minutes and 24.91 minutes) on the ATS and between 6.33% and 26.00% (i.e., 8.37 minutes and 34.40 minutes) on the MTS when compared to the Baseline model.
Discussion and Conclusions
This study’s results indicate that the layout and processing strategies utilized within vote centers impact the amount of time voters spend within a vote center. These findings indicate the possibility of reducing the time to vote with no additional financial requirements from election administrators. Long lines and times to vote are a concern in elections due to the expectations that voters will balk if their threshold to wait is exceeded, which effectively disenfranchises them (Piras 2009; Yang et al. 2014). Research has demonstrated that voters have a maximum amount of time that they are willing to wait before reneging, however, even those who wait for “as long as it takes” (Stewart and Ansolabehere 2003, p.2) may experience disenfranchisement (Stewart and Ansolabehere 2003). To further demonstrate the importance of reducing wait times, under-resourced and underrepresented communities, in particular, experience longer than average times to vote (Pettigrew 2017; Allen and Bernshteyn 2006). This preliminary analysis has demonstrated that wait times may be reduced with no additional resources or financial expenses. Of the models with a single variation, the Separated Provisional Processing model demonstrated the single most significant reduction in both the ATS and MTS compared to the Baseline model. The three combined models that had Separated Provisional Processing also demonstrated a significant reduction in the ATS and MTS when compared to the Baseline model. The separation of the processing of provisional voters was the one consistent variation amongst the models that differed significantly from the Baseline model. This model variation allowed for the majority of check-in stations to be utilized by voters undergoing a two-step process, thus never needing to return to check-in. Therefore, provisional voters undergoing a three-step process could form an isolated queue when returning to check-in that would not obstruct other check-in stations. The process separation also allowed for the separation of the queue leading up to the check-in stations from the vote center entrance. In the Moved Check-in Station model, the Looping Voter Path model, and the combined Looping Voter Path and Moved Check-in Station model, no significant difference was realized when compared to the Baseline model
Despite the lack of statistical evidence that the Looping Voter Path and Moved Check-in Station models impact the amount of time all voters spend within the vote center, there may be other unconsidered performance measures that would demonstrate a benefit from these changes. Potential examples may include congestion, utilization, an increased perception of clarity of the overall system, reduced travel distance, reduced anxiety, increased usability, and accessibility of the system due to a more intuitive flow. Additionally, perceived voter privacy may also benefit from these changes as the Baseline model included a line of voters waiting to check-in formed within an aisle of BMDs. The lack of privacy meant that people had the potential to interact with others who were actively voting, which is strongly discouraged, and that several BMDs rendered inactive due to their orientation (i.e., with the screen facing the check-in queue). Another unconsidered benefit of the Moved Check-in Station model, and the combined models that include the same equipment layout variation, is that the BMDs incur an increased capacity of eleven units, accounting for the BMDs that needed to be inactive due to privacy concerns
These initial findings identified significant differences between a combination of process and layout strategies for vote center performance. Additional research must be performed to provide a clearer understanding of the relationship between facilities layout planning and routing and processing strategies and their combined impact on vote center performance. Some limitations in this study that provide future work opportunities include the consideration of multiple locations with varying layout constraints. While this study identified significant impacts on ATS and MTS for a particular vote center, other vote centers’ performance may experience different results. Additionally, the study of a location with additional historical data, while uncommon, would allow the incorporation of additional events and occurrences that occur within the modeled vote center. Not all occurrences could not be modeled despite their presence in the observed vote center (e.g., ballot marking errors, machine breakdowns)
Other opportunities for future research include the consideration of different performance measures in addition to time in system measures, a more extensive range of model variations, and the comparison of how facilities layout planning impacts vote centers versus traditional polling places. To further innovate in the area of facility layout planning for election administration, facility layout optimization techniques are critical. By further layering established and advanced techniques for system design and assessment, many challenges that election administrators and voters face can be overcome. Future work that addresses vote centers more generally include the development and applications of advanced queueing studies. While basic queueing theory has previously been applied to election systems, the advancement of these techniques can holistically provide a better understanding of election systems and provide insight into election resource allocation
The results of this study indicate that the consideration of facilities layout, processing, and routing, as well as the development of their applied methods, can ensure that people can cast their vote effectively and efficiently. Traditional methods employed to reduce voter wait times simply added more equipment or proposed the opening of additional voting locations, however, future research in this area may identify vote center set up techniques and layouts designs that dramatically reduce vote times and incur no additional costs to implement.
This work was supported in part by The Democracy Fund (R-201903-03975) as a portion of the URI VOTES project. The authors would like to thank the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk’s Office and the poll workers for their invaluable assistance in making this research possible and who work tirelessly to make elections run. Additional thanks to the voters of Los Angeles County. Thank you to the additional URI VOTES team James Houghton, Tim Jonas, and Emma McCool-Guglielmo.
Proceedings of the 2020 Winter Simulation Conference K.-H. Bae, B. Feng, S. Kim, S. Lazarova-Molnar, Z. Zheng, T. Roeder, and R. Thiesing, eds.
Nicholas D. Bernardo Gretchen A. Macht
Dept. of Mechanical, Industrial and Systems Eng.
University of Rhode Island 260 Fascitelli Center
for Advanced Engineering 2 East Alumni
Avenue Kingston, RI 02881, USA
Jennifer Lather
Durham School of Arch. Eng. and Construction
University of Nebraska-Lincoln PKI 206C
1110 S. 67th Street Omaha, NE 68182, USA
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